2022 AGM Valletta, Malta

One of the core tenets of the ij INTERNATIONAL JURISTS group, is that close personal connections between our members ensure closer cooperation and enhanced client service. Our annual AGMs provide the opportunity to connect with each other, both personally and professionally, offering a platform for in-depth discussions on all matters important to our members, their practices, their clients and the legal profession. The global coronavirus pandemic put these on hold in 2020 and 2021.
However, the Management Committee believed that with the easing of travel restrictions and falling numbers of infection, an AGM in 2022 would be possible. Moreover, in light of the global stress we all experience daily, they felt that it was especially important to come together again, reacquaint ourselves with the spirit behind ij and reenergize our community.
Geraldine Noel, founder and managing partner of ij member firm Acumum Legal & Advisory, Valletta took on the herculean task of organizing our event at rather short notice. She, along with her team, created an AGM full of both rewarding professional discussions and a social program of interesting and enriching cultural highlights.

Our 2022 AGM opened with a warm welcome from our group’s co-founder and Secretary Dr. Günther Kreuzer of DR KREUZER Rechtsanwälte, Nürnberg and Dresden. On behalf of fellow board members Kalia Georgiou, Kalia Georgiou LLC Law Firm, Cyprus and Domenic Pini of Pini Franco LLP, London, he greeted our members with enthusiasm, thanking them for their attendance and expressing once again, his belief in the value of meeting personally.
Along with our many members who were present, we were joined by Dr. Marthese Portelli, CEO of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, who spoke on many of the socio-economic aspects of Malta, giving insight into areas of investment, current activity in various industries and projected forecasts for future development. She pointed out Malta’s unique geographic position, its strong relationships within and without the EU, the ease of setting up business and the possibility for government support in the way of funding. Many of our members asked questions related to specific areas of the presentation and all attendees felt that her contribution was of real value to them and subsequently, to their clients.

We were very happy that 3 of the 4 firms which had joined ij since our last AGM in 2019 were able to take part. Thu Nga Haškovcová founder of Haškovcová & Co, Prague which became an ij member in April 2021, Carlo Pianese of Tribonian Law Advisory, Dubai, UAE, ij members since May 2021 and Federico Vasoli, of dMTV Global, Vietnam and Singapore, our most recent member joining ij in July 2022, were all in attendance to present their firms, discuss their practices and answer questions posed by our attendees.
Our members from Dublin, BHSM who joined ij in July of 2021 were,
sadly, unable to attend. However, they sent their contribution by way of
providing responses to several discussion questions circulated to our
members in preparation for our discussion forum. In this member
discussion forum many topics of interest were covered, including
cyber-security, professional liability, anti-money laundering
regulations along with changes to legal statutes in our members’
jurisdictions and the various ways in which our members handle referrals
to and with each other.

In addition to the meeting itself, there were opportunities to continue discussions over communal dinners at dining venues which showcased the cultural diversity that Malta offers, and for those of our attendees whose work load permitted, a day-trip including a walking tour of historical Valletta and a harbour tour in small Maltese ‘gondolas’ followed by a seaside dinner in the evening, capped off a wonderful event.
We thank everyone at Acumum Legal & Advisory for working so hard to put together such an enriching and rewarding AGM and we can’t wait to see where 2023 takes us!