Czech Republic
Haškovcová & Co.

Our statement
Haškovcová&Co. is a law firm that offers extensive and highly qualified legal advisory services with a primary focus on the areas of commerce and business. We offer flexibility together with an individual and practically oriented approach, always centred around commercial reality and our clients’ needs.
Haškovcová&Co. was set up in 2010 and its independent activity was renewed in April 2016. The founding partner of the firm is Thu Nga Haskovcova, who was previously the managing partner in leading international law firms operating in Prague. In the course of her more than 20 years of practice, Thu Nga Haskovcova gained extensive experience practicing in the Czech Republic as an attorney (advokat) and abroad, including 2 years as an offshore lawyer in Singapore.
The Haškovcová&Co. legal team is comprised of highly qualified professionals with long-term work relationships that ensure reliable and high quality legal services. Haškovcová&Co.'s team is highly responsive, provides excellent value for money and proactively seeks solutions to mitigate business risks.
The firm’s main areas of expertise are commercial and corporate law, real estate law, IP law, employment law and litigation.
Haškovcová&Co became a member of the international legal network iJ International Jurists in 2021.
Key contacts
Thu Nga Haskovcova
tel. +420 226 807 069
mob. +420 724 289 349
Haškovcová & Co.
Václavské náměstí 838/9
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic