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Our statement

Independent drive

Odigo is an independent law firm. We offer a full range of services to Belgian and foreign companies: from promising start-ups and growth companies to established names. We support financial institutions and governments, and are a sparring partner for individuals. Odigo provides no-nonsense service, with a focus on commercial and company law, IP/ICT, social law (labour law and social security law), construction and real estate law, environmental and urban planning law, liability law and asset planning, in Belgium and abroad.

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Guided by Odigo

Odigo means efficient, high quality services at an international level, with local rates. Odigo guides, advises and assists its clients in taking difficult decisions. We are both easy to communicate with and a trusted guide through the legal labyrinth. The team of lawyers at Odigo includes skilled specialists and young talent, each of whom attaches great importance to a personal relationship with clients and who strive for concrete, practical solutions. Committed, guiding, non-conformist. Easy but not simple. Odigo (οδ-ηγος, -ο), ancient Greek for 'guide'.

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Odigo x Global

Odigo regularly handles international cases for Belgian and foreign clients. Our Foreign Desk helps clients find their way abroad, and foreign clients find their way in Belgium.
Odigo has particular expertise in French/Belgian and Dutch/Belgian cases. Thanks to cross-border networks and years of experience, Odigo never loses sight of the big picture in international cases, both inside and outside Europe. France, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Poland, Turkey... keeping an eye on the world.

A perfect blend

Odigo was established in 2007 and has grown steadily ever since, initially in Hasselt, and from 2015 also in Kortrijk and Ghent. From our various offices, we stay close to our clients and offer them tailor-made services.

Key contacts

Jan Seghers

Odigo Brussels

18th floor IT Tower
Louiza avenue 480
B-1050 Brussels

+32(0)2 669 83 83

Odigo Gent

Kouterhof, Kouter 7A-1
B-9000 Gent

+32(0)9 265 83 83

Odigo Hasselt

Spoorwegstraat 105
B-3500 Hasselt

+32(0)11 260 220

Odigo Kortrijk

Doorniksewijk 66
B-8500 Kortrijk

+32(0)56 26 83 83
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